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Brezplačna dostava po vsem svetu in možnost vračila izdelkov.

MyComposition - Logo

Splošni pogoji poslovanja spletne trgovine "MyCOMPOSITION" so v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-UPB1), priporočili Gospodarske zbornice in mednarodnimi kodeksi elektronskega poslovanja. K.V.S. d.o.o., Proizvodnja, storitve, trgovina, Slovenija, Manžan 2C, SI-6000 Koper, registracijska številka 6556868000, davčna številka SI88608646, TRR: SI56101000052892834, račun odprt pri banki: Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (v nadaljevanju prodajalec), posluje kot spletna trgovina.

Podpora in informacije

Kako deluje

Izberite sliko

Korak 1

Vnesite podatke za dostavo.

Korak 2

Plačajte takoj

Korak 3

Uživajte v sliki

Korak 4

Če imate konkretno vizijo v mislih, z veseljem vam bomo pomagali oblikovati prilagojeno kompozicijo, ki zadovolji vaše individualne potrebe.

"Stopite v stik"

After placing the order, each customer receives an invoice. You can choose the most convenient option for you to pay:

- Cash-on-delivery payment;
- Payment by credit or debit card;
- Transfer via PayPal;
- Bank transfer to the company account (specified in the invoice).

Način plačila

Ponujamo dostavo po pošti ali drugem prevoznem podjetju, ki je priročno za kupca. Skupaj z naročilom zagotovimo popolne informacije o transakciji, pa tudi račun. Stroške dostave plača kupec.

Če je bilo blago poškodovano med prevozom, je kupec dolžan obvestiti predstavnika prevoznega podjetja o tem in sestaviti poročilo o škodi.


Vračilo nakupa V skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov ima kupec pravico, da vrne blago v roku 14 dni od prejema naročila, brez navajanja razlogov. Vendar pa je kupec dolžan obvestiti spletno trgovino o svoji odločitvi za vračilo naročila. To lahko stori tako, da pošlje e-pošto na naslov Vse stroške vračila blaga k spletni trgovini krije kupec v skladu s tarifami transportnega podjetja. 

Pomembno! Kupec ima pravico do vračila samo za blago, ki ni bilo v uporabi, ima originalno embalažo in ni poškodovano. Kupec mora prav tako zagotoviti vso originalno dokumentacijo.

Če ima kupec upravičene pritožbe glede kakovosti prejetega blaga, ima pravico zahtevati zamenjavo z enakim ali prejeti znesek plačan na svojo bančno kartico. Takoj po prejemu blaga in preverjanju njegovega stanja bomo nakazali celoten znesek na določene bančne podatke.

Kupec nima možnosti za vračilo blaga, izdelanega po njegovih individualnih skicah in prilagojenega njegovim potrebam (velikost, oblika, motiv).

Vračilo nakupa

Če kupec ima pritožbe ali zahteve glede prejetega naročila, nas o tem obvesti s pismom na naš naslov elektronske pošte. Hkrati prosimo kupca, da jasno in podrobno navede vse ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti. Obvezujemo se, da bomo pritožbo obravnavali v roku 5 dni, po potrebi jo analizirali in kupca obvestili o njej. Trudimo se rešiti vse spore na miren način, upoštevajoč želje in kritiko kupca.

Pritožbe in spori

The online shop website contains cookies. These are small text files that are installed in the user's browser when viewing the pages of the site. These files are designed to collect and remember information about user activities in a safe and secure manner.

What are cookies?

Their main task is to help the user get useful and interesting content for him. They store data about visited sites, taking into account statistics, the implementation of online services. These files are able to determine how often a user visits certain websites and web pages.

What cookies do we use?

We use cookies to help users navigate the site, use secure pages, and other site features (for example, store an added item in a shopping cart). We also have cookies involved in the secure checkout process and studying statistics (for example, which pages of the site users visit most often). This allows us to receive information that helps us make our online store even more user-friendly.

Protection of personal information

We undertake to use all data received from the user solely to fulfill the delivered order, as well as to contact the buyer. Only authorized employees of the company have access to such data. Information about personal data may be disclosed only in cases provided for by law, if it is necessary to protect the rights of others.

From this category, the website uses cookies required for Google analytics, with which we track visitor statistics.

_utma: Parameter for storing pageview statistics is not limited in time.
_utmb: Parameter for storing pageview statistics is not defined.
_utmc: Parameter for storing pageview statistics, cookies are automatically deleted after 30 minutes.
_utmz: Parameter for storing pageview statistics, cookies are automatically deleted when the browser is closed.

There are other categories of cookies that are not used on our website.

How to disable cookies?

The user can use the settings of his web browser to determine whether to allow the use of cookies on a particular website. More information about cookies and their use can be found in the documentation and instructions for using your browser.

Zasebnost in piškotki

The Provider undertakes to protect all personal user data at all times. The Provider will use personal data solely for the fulfillment of the order (sending information materials, offers, invoices), and other necessary communications. Only authorized persons of our company have access to the data. Under no circumstances will the user's data be transferred or shown to third parties. The website provider reserves the right to disclose information when disclosure is required by law or when it is necessary to protect the legal rights of others.

Zaščita osebnih podatkov strank

We use modern high-quality equipment for printing pictures. It is regularly calibrated to obtain the clearest and highest quality images.

In the production of picture frames, we use high-quality wood. To prevent the material from looking 'loose,' cloves are installed at each corner, allowing you to adjust its volume.

Kakovost tiskanja

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